Friday, October 16, 2009

dinner and work

my family and i were at a restaurant of some sort, i think it may have been understood to be Viva. I've never been there for true, but i understand it to be a touch on the fancier side as restaurants go. not as high class as fine dining, but a step up from Red Lobster, and the like.

anyway, we were seated, had ordered, and were waiting the arrival of our entrees. one of the wait staff walked by, muttered something in French involving "garçon" and "avec," but i really don't remember his exact words, and considering my own limited knowledge of the French language, I somewhat doubt it was anything actually intelligible. my grandfather asked, "Was that French? Ask what he said." I thought about suggesting he ask my sister, as she was the one who'd studied French, whereas my brother had studied Spanish. But then something happened, and the french waiter became offended at something my brother had said (though as far as the dream went, he hadn't said anything at all), and absconded with a bacon dish, which rather disappointed me, as i was looking forward to it. Later on, the same waiter placed a vegetable dish I'd also been interested in, but left with that as well. I decided it wasn't my brother's fault anymore, this was just a very poor waiter.

Transitions later, another time and place, I found myself walking through a large corporate office, presumably the new location of my department (as we are scheduled to relocate somewhere in the relatively near future). after waiting in line behind a lot of people, and stopping in various "classrooms" (go figure), I eventually teamed up with two other "co-workers," a dark haired man, and a brown haired woman, neither of whom I recognized, but understood we were in the same department and were looking for the same place. we got away from the lines and wandered around the building more, which had become something more like a shopping mall. we stopped at a large overlook where multiple stair cases met, where below and in the middle stood an attraction like structure that resembled something of a "santa's workshop". But it wasn't Santa, rather it was "Bob's Workshop" or something along those lines. We all knew Bob, or at least of Bob, how he had done great things for the company, but had fallen under both ill health and disapproval of his superiors some how. we pitied Bob. Truth be told, I have no idea who Bob was, or was supposed to be. then we went looking for our own department again, and we came to a very small crawl-space, ridiculously small, probably something like six or seven inches square. We had to go through in order to find our place, and the man had already gone through and was beckoning us on. The woman was next, and I felt uncomfortable with the idea of her going through head-first, considering she was wearing a skirt and i would be behind her. But then she was on her back, and was suddenly pulled through rather abruptly. i started in, and a thin spectacled young man appeared to take my hand and pull me through. then he stopped and looked at me, and as a growing realizing of familiarity, said, "David?" I had never seen this man before, yet I also knew his name. "Marlin?" I said, "hey, how's it going, buddy?" He pulled me through and I arrived in a small, secret room, where my two other co-workers were, along with a handful of others, preoccupied with various tasks, scientific study and research, and a couple others over by a television playing something on a x-box.

it fades at that.

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