Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Visit Down Under

In a recent travel dream, I some how wound up in Australia, along with several members of my family. We were at a summer camp of sorts, hosted/run by a man who was both simultaneously Steve Irwin, and Gordon Ramsay, though predominantly the former. It was getting late, and we were either getting ready to leave, or return to our cabins, i'm not sure which, and we had to cross an enormous rope bridge. It was impossibly wide, and near entirely composed of ordinary brown rope, and spanned / arched over a pond. Due to circumstances I no longer remember, I wound up in the water, though at least in part it was intentional. The water was a very pretty shade of blue. There were water lilies closer to the banks, and towards a cave further back along one of the walls. I started toward the cave, but a large, black, and partly transparent tadpole started coming towards me. It had no eyes, or any other features except a wide gaping mouth and a long, finned tail. I would estimate it between eight inches to a foot in length, and the head roughly two inches in diameter. I shooed my hand at it in the water, and it swam away. The Steve Irwin man had gathered everyone up at the edge of the bridge and was preparing to do something with a bunch of barrels that were right by the edge. But then everything fades at this point.

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