Monday, January 18, 2010
it was unfortunately short, but I recall being in a sort of factory, or maybe a warehouse or department store even. A legion of androids had amassed there, for purposes of fellowship and aims of world conquest. I had some how been mistaken to be one of them, and found myself mimicking quirky head and eye movements to better blend in. One of them, a woman, stopped and chatted with me about something I no longer remember, but her smile was welcoming, and her words nice enough, though she was ignorant of my true nature. I marched on with others, until arriving at something like a check out counter, where another woman-android started asking me random questions, the last of which i made a joking remark involving "Lucky Charms". Then she made a comment that inferred she was wise to what i was, but I just smirked and asked something like, "what tipped you off?" Her response was in words initially, but they didn't quite make sense, and as I tried to make sense of them, they got even more confusing, until I began to visualize a twisted, expanding network of roots, after which I either awoke, or let the dream pass to oblivion.
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